Tuesday, May 27, 2014

American Revolution Glogs are due.

2563 × 507 - techmeet

5th graders have been working on their American Revolution Glogster projects all month. Students will want to log onto Glogster this week at home and make sure they have all the necessary items.  Under the Social Studies tab of this blog are many American Revolution websites that can be used if any student needs more information.  The website is :  http://edu.glogster.com/ and all students know how to log on.

Below is the rubric that will be used for grading. Mrs. Burns class will start presentations on Thursday and Mrs. Harlow's class will start presentations on Friday of this week. Please contact Mrs. Burns with any questions.

Glogster Rubric

Using Glogster, create a snapshot of your person or event.  Include the following information:
Due 5/23/14
  2 Points

  4 Points

  6 Points

Post at least four pictures of your person/event with a caption under/beside each describing the photo.
Four Pictures without captions and show the same kind of image.
Four pictures with captions, and show the same kind of image.
Four pictures with captions, showing different kind of images. (Ex. battle scene, portrait of person involved, flag, etc.)
Use the 5W’s to include all important information. Who, What, When, Why, Where
4 Ws with little detail included.
5 Ws with the very basic information included.
5Ws with all important details are included and  free from grammatical and spelling errors.
At least one book and one web-site

All resources listed including images.

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