Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Camp Bournedale is Tomorrow!

Please arrive with your child and luggage between 8:15-8:25 AM tomorrow morning. We are meeting over on the left hand side of the school by the big oak tree and the playground.  Please make sure your child's luggage is clearly labeled with their name and Memorial. Remember any medications need to be in a Ziploc bag with the original packing/bottle and handed to our nurse Ms. Sakey.  Your child cannot take the regular school bus.  Pick up with be in the same spot at @1:30 PM Friday afternoon. We are looking forward to a great trip.

Writer's Notebooks Are Ready To Go!

Mrs. Burns Reading class had a "runway" to show off their newly decorated and broken-in writer's notebooks. These fifth graders are looking forward to doing a lot of writing this year.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Open House

Click the link below to see my presentation from Open House:

Mrs. Burns Open House Presentation

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What Kind of Smart Are You?

Students  in 232 have been taking many multiple intelligence quizzes to answer the question: "What Kind of Smart Are You? There are 8 different kinds of Smarts:  Word Smart, Number Smart, Picture Smart, Body Smart, Music Smart, People Smart, Nature Smart and Self Smart.  Click the here to take one of our quizzes: 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Days

Room 232 has been busy talking about our Hopes & Dreams for the new school year, learning What Kind of Smart they are and doing a scavenger hunt (below).  We are off to a great start!